WE WANT TO TAKE A MOMENT TO RECOGNIZE an important figure in all of our lives — our mothers!
We’re grateful for all of the time, attention, and care our mothers provide for us throughout our upbringing and beyond. The positive impact they have is immeasurable and we want to express what they mean to us this Mother’s Day.
What We Love About Our Moms
From Megan: I love my mom! I love when she is in town and we have a chance to go shopping and have a glass of wine together.
From Meagan: I love that I can tell my mom absolutely anything. She is like my best friend! Our favorite thing to do together is go eat sushi and get our nails done.
From Myka: I love my mom for her strength and incredible work ethic. She is one of the strongest and hardworking women I know. She makes it look so easy with a smile on her face! Every moment with my mom is my best memory. There is never a dull moment!
From The Mothers On Our Team… What Do You Love Most About Being A Mom?
From Andrea: There is nothing in life more fulfilling than being a mom. I love my children with all my heart and soul. There is no greater love… I thank God for them every day.
From Kellie: I love being a Mom! I love watching my kids discover who they are each day. I love each stage they have been through and love to get hugs from them. I feel like the love of my children has made me more enriched than before. It is hard for sure, but the struggles come with parenting make me who I am today and I am so thankful for that!
From Shannon: The moment you have a child you feel what instant and unconditional love is. It is a love like no other. The gift of being a mother is a blessing and brings such joy to my life.
From Lizzy: I’m new to the motherhood club, but it’s pretty great so far! I love watching her grow and learn new things every day! The world is such an exciting place for a little one and I’m lucky enough to be in the center of it. Being a mom has taught me to slow down a little more and appreciate the quiet moments. I’m looking forward to all that is to come.
Mothers, We Appreciate You!
Whether your mom lives near or far, show her how grateful you are for her this Mother’s Day. To all you moms out there, THANK YOU!
Have any great stories about your awesome mom or an amazing motherly figure in your life? Post it in the comments below or on our Facebook page!
Happy Mother’s Day!